With so many programming options you can make this counter display just about anything. The most common use for this counter is to track safe days worked, but we've had people use this counter to track days until a project deadline, number of environmental incidents, static price display, and many more. The logic is simple. Tell the sign how often you want to count, what direction to count, and how much to count by each time it counts. Then simply set a current count, and the counter will begin following your instructions. The configuration is stored in flash memory so if the power goes out, you won't need to reconfigure it.
Programming Options
Count up or count down or turn automatic counting off and the display will only show the number you set it to. Set the brightness level from dim to blinding (5 levels of brightness). Count action can be configured to occur every second, minute, hour, day, week, or month. Limit counting to certain days. For example you might only want to count Monday to Friday and not count on weekends. Configure the display to count by any number from 1 to 99 and each time the counter counts it will increment or decrement by that number. Decimal point location can be set to light the decimal point at any location
By default these displays use only the decimal point, but the full comma can be enabled or disabled by setting a jumper on the back of the displays.
For a walkthrough of how to program your numeric display, check out this video.