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About Us

Cousign is a custom manufacturer of programmable specialty displays. The story of Cousign, LLC begins early in 2003 when founders Chris Trottier and Steve Trottier set out to develop a new type of safety scoreboard pulling from Chris' computer engineering background and Steve's signage expertise. Their goal was to offer a "set it and forget it" scoreboard solution that would automatically adjust the count on a configurable time scale.

After several prototypes their vision was realized with the versatile DASS module found in many of the signs offered here.

The name Cousign is a contraction of Counting Signs and is pronounced just like the common math term cosine.

With the success of their first scoreboard, Cousign, LLC was founded in February of 2006. After formation Cousign branched out by offering other signage solutions that make use of the DASS module. "Now serving", "Gas Price", style signs are all simple variations on the original.

If you have an application for which you think our DASS module could be used, but do not see suitable signage available on this website please do not hesitate to contact us with your unique requirements. See our Custom Ordering page for more details. The father and son team are currently working on new products that promise to deliver even greater visual appeal.