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Digital Sign with 6" Decibel Meter Display (28Hx22W)

Digital Sign with 16x32 6" decibel meter display (28Hx22W)
Part number: 2822-11DA
Manufacturer: Cousign
What should your sign look like?
We will not print your sign until you have approved a print ready proof for production so feel free to order a partially completed or generic design and follow up with us about changes you need to make.
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How would you like to control your sign? Help me choose.
How would you like to mount your sign?
Wall plugable power supplies are provided with indoor mounting options. Outdoor enclosures contain hardwire power supplies and require a licensed electrician for installation.
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How would you like to proof your sign?
Let us know how much help you want with this design.
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How fast should we process your sign?
Standard processing is 15 business days from proof approval.
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Configured Link
$ 497.00
Display Components Details
Decibel Meter Display 6 Inch

Flex matrix display with direct connect microphone sensor attached.

Configure different colors to be displayed based on dB level

For complete details please see our Flex Matrix operating instructions.

Range of db values: 30dB – 120dB (A weighting)

Product Specifications
Height 28"
Width 22"
Sign Face Material Digital Vinyl Print on Clear Lexan
Power Supply UL 120V (Wall Adapter with 6' cord) or direct wire depending on mounting option selected.
Control Options Manual, IR Remote, Network
Programmability Count up, down, or use as static display. Control decimal point location. Count only on specific days (ex. Monday-Friday)