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Sign No Displays (48Hx72W)

48"h x 72"w Sign with no digital displays
Part number: 4872
Manufacturer: Cousign
What should your sign look like?
We will not print your sign until you have approved a print ready proof for production so feel free to order a partially completed or generic design and follow up with us about changes you need to make.
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How would you like to mount your sign?
Wall plugable power supplies are provided with indoor mounting options. Outdoor enclosures contain hardwire power supplies and require a licensed electrician for installation.
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How would you like to proof your sign?
Let us know how much help you want with this design.
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How fast should we process your sign?
Standard processing is 15 business days from proof approval.
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Configured Link
$ 1,089.00

Product Specifications
Sign Face Material Digital Vinyl Print on Clear Lexan
Height 48"
Width 72"