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8" Stoplight Mounting Option Help

Front Mount

Lights are mounted to the front of your sign with lenses and rubber seals that make it look more like a stoplight.


1. Some people strongly prefer this look

2. Lenses focus the light which results in better viewing at distance.  These lights and lenses are designed to be used for traffic lights, so those are the kinds of viewing distances you can expect.


1. Extra Cost 

2. Protruding lenses (~2") are more likely to be accidentally hit by passers by.

Front Mount Stoplight Option

Rear Mount

A streamlined look where the lights are mounted behind the sign face and shine through a clear cutout in the vinyl.
Default Option as of June 2021


1. Lights are better protected from damage.  No protrusions, seals, etc.

2. Less Expensive


1. Less of a "traffic light" look/feel

2. Lights are plenty bright, but not as bright as front mount option which includes lenses that scatter and amplify the visual effect of the light.

Rear Mount Stoplight Option